Twin Drum Electric Windlass

General Product Information

Twin drum electric windlasses are the perfect solution for the safe and efficient transportation of heavy loads. Their high-performance motors and robust construction make them a popular choice in industry and construction. The double drum system enables fast and balanced movement of loads, thus increasing operational efficiency. Easy to operate, low-maintenance and long-lasting, these windlasses optimize your work processes and provide a reliable and economical solution.


CapacityTowing DistanceMotor Power
1 Ton10 to 100 Meters0,55 kW
2 Ton10 to 100 Meters1,1 kW
3 Ton10 to 100 Meters2,2 kW
4 Ton10 to 100 Meters3 kW
5 Ton10 to 100 Meters4 kW
7 Ton10 to 100 Meters5,5 kW
10 Tons10 to 100 Meters7.5 kW
15 Tons10 to 100 Meters11 kW